Back Legs: 1 Even though dog names are contained in dog codes, the dog's name will be randomized when you import it. Wobbledogs Codes How to Import / Export Codes? F2E4;490CC:7403A03:E9588a1A 9:90b0416a0441B2A8A2 1A;a52:08bB0549AEEajCF9946AdDAAE71c8D432870^44Da4B1D0500P=0021dEa<8FP949080E810321899E<4F1==eD :0a2AF15FA71:lC:7F8383E49B3FC8F4e0963BF3EFb50a56^12F^3FiaiFdfFF2F7F8E5F=F0FD3DFF0EE84FY178310DaC;:54:9b:3c1:4:a;C7C;:CC9c4:F::a13caFc204E20:=9:4:^8DE4aF93a3BF60C6^PC3CK0w3C43U0A5E6PFF8Dc27B8=EEBEF0:69AFAF1 BE1dC030010CE4c03bfBcB7B7d2DBc80:AaFNAF^818B8T2BbE3:4nd=:FA^102c2292bDD000BF67:.8aD:2F878cA9=Cb 108C28fbF:41A06AbC;1FCCC1F96FaA:2D1b^:01200b=57cAD2004a0;52:D0<73BF0g6:2C485DADT2F606221903871ccA62B5=13;2=a;a::F;cc<08Db4:f;a2:c:7mA10b1L;E;1140C:38^153CF77d49E2A9^8a1D05F7b5F.400CUS200BAa1u^24o6EAa50p8D101090aBC0A0D6c83002A1d0700;cF:D0C70ba0b60b7182, Helping gamers with walkthroughs, guides, cheats & console commands and codes lists since 2005, The best codes to import the funniest dogs and mystery dogs that Wobbledogs users have created. Backing up your save is recommended. share. I want the spindly one. Contents. - Long body, 0j80c00:c20^0E^tALk010^20tE^08F8883F1C202^B1anEt:l:::cf180a48:70A:8:a:b:c^008c::cCs:c;1f000c::EFcgc:B.:t8:0:1^32440Ttm050:2902FF^F0tFCF0c0FE63FaD01EF:3cB1Ui0F0^E3730F400Fc1100t0e-:gF.u02t1C^::920a00CF:1b^34E00:fF0:A8tcFEF0F010b0c0bcF1A2FC20B4c0DsmPc8ac, - Brown ears and nose Heads: 1 Importing a dog that is older than the maximum dog lifespan in the save will cause the dog to immediately die if it is brought out of storage. - Pink body - Small body they are a really cool box, this is cheese touch, he is long and has many legs, Sweet Baby Carrot, my favorite dog so far (counts for "long", I think). Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Hello fellow wobbledog enthusiasts! All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. 1 Wobbledogs Codes - Full List. - Grimacing mouth Import some of your wobbledog friends! - Sultry eyes Mystery Dogs codes 2 > 006a2BdAE20a90020i02003:=F000BFE32F1;^F6:0.9^b86100en:C:7d8CCUEa2P0408t71b18a;2aC5803c5b8<8a5=73iB4A24Ea1;974;b=:0a68:8;<0Cc405303b0anP88Fa22:189802a8A840D4Y4a03CCa0C6^8051491^P5cy0A84a09=0fa:86Cp10:06<27i1<60g4C